
What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding means helping to prevent adults and children from abuse and neglect. Children may be at risk of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Adults at risk are vulnerable because of their mental health, physical disability, age or illness and have care and support needs. They may find it difficult to protect themselves from abuse because of their care and support needs.

The Trust is committed to promoting the welfare and wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk.

All Trust employees have a duty to be alert to potential safeguarding concerns in children and adults. All staff are expected to be aware of and implement the Trust's safeguarding policies and procedures and work in partnership with other agencies to help safeguard those at risk.

The Trust has a head of integrated services who oversees safeguarding adult leads and named nurses for safeguarding children. The Trust also has a named doctor for safeguarding children. There are safeguarding children practitioners and adult safeguarding officers who provide local support to clinicians and work closely with the local authority.

The executive lead for safeguarding is the joint executive director for nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals.

We have representation at local safeguarding boards and partnerships for both adults and children.

Single point of access for integrated safeguarding services

If you are concerned that a child or adult is at immediate risk of significant harm call the police on 999.

Safer Futures

The Safer Futures helpline is a gateway to specialist programmes and provides a single point of contact for services, users and referring professionals. The team are trained to take domestic abuse and sexual violence enquiries and quickly assess the risks and support needs presented by clients.

They carry out risk assessments and prepare support safety plans for each eligible client. The team signpost people who are not eligible for the service to other agencies for support.
